Friday, October 20, 2006

Maintaining My Life

I thank God everyday for the blessings that he allows me in my short life but as I gaze out of the window at my two sons’, I wonder how the women of yester years were able to have ten children, remain stress free and maintain their homes while supporting their husband. Making sure the challenges of the world would not affect their them or their families.

Even thought my children are the best things that God has placed in my life thus far besides my husband. ,I can remember when my family ,consisted of just my husband and myself and what a freeing moment in time that was .We would travel to the Panama, Mexico, Jamaica and the Virgin Island without a care in the world because we were responsible for ourselves and no one else. There were no navy blue diaper bags and bottles with “The Big Red Dog” on them .Or the dirt filled Oshkosh jeans that I would began washing at 10 o’clock and four hours later I was only half way done. No floors filled with red juice stains because Jordan had tracked through the house with a hole in his juice box. Or when the walls were free of crayon marks and my favorite crystal turtle figurines were on display because we knew that no one would break them. Those were the days but now my life has a different chapter to publish.

I am a stay at home mom in college, yet I find it very difficult to go to school, take care of my husband and children. I found a wonderful blog that touches on being an effective mother, wife and person but never forgetting who you are; take a look at “Motherhood is not a one-way street. ”MojoMom -

After reading, “Motherhood is not a one-way street it allowed me to see that there are women that are in the same struggle as I am .That in everyday life we make chooses and those choose are what make us who we are .However as we make those choose we should never forget that if we lose ourselves then we are no good to the ones we love. Love yourself and remember that with motherhood and any blessing in life there is a burden .Not a burden that weighs you down but one that can add so much to your life.
Sometime our days are so filled with clutter that we forget to inhale those things that are most important in our lives .Like the morning hug and kisses from your youngest son and then being told that you are the best mom in the world.Then there is Darrian, he is eleven going on thirty and too old to kiss or hug mom so he come close enough to me to rubs up against my shoulder for what he considers closeness. He never wants other people to think that he was getting affection from his dear old mom. All of the hugs and kisses are worth the hours of labor and pain because the love that your child has for you is unconditional.Take a moment and read,
“Choosing Breathless”
This was a blog post that puts you back into perspective.

1 comment:

Carr Kizzier said...


I really like the way you include all those details of things that WEREN'T in your life before your children. That's good. And you do a nice job of transitioning into the links. The intro, on the other hand, is weak -- give us the details that you see looking at your life. OK.