Friday, October 27, 2006

My role in today's world as a college student and women is to filter my experiences off to another person .To give back that which I feel was only loaned to me .Informing women and young girls of today that there are three types of females .There are girls,women and ladies and the ultimate goal for a young women is to become a lady .A lady is a person that is secure in herself and has the respect of her peers and community .She has poise and respect for her strenght.In my life I should lead by example and the rest will follow.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Maintaining My Life

I thank God everyday for the blessings that he allows me in my short life but as I gaze out of the window at my two sons’, I wonder how the women of yester years were able to have ten children, remain stress free and maintain their homes while supporting their husband. Making sure the challenges of the world would not affect their them or their families.

Even thought my children are the best things that God has placed in my life thus far besides my husband. ,I can remember when my family ,consisted of just my husband and myself and what a freeing moment in time that was .We would travel to the Panama, Mexico, Jamaica and the Virgin Island without a care in the world because we were responsible for ourselves and no one else. There were no navy blue diaper bags and bottles with “The Big Red Dog” on them .Or the dirt filled Oshkosh jeans that I would began washing at 10 o’clock and four hours later I was only half way done. No floors filled with red juice stains because Jordan had tracked through the house with a hole in his juice box. Or when the walls were free of crayon marks and my favorite crystal turtle figurines were on display because we knew that no one would break them. Those were the days but now my life has a different chapter to publish.

I am a stay at home mom in college, yet I find it very difficult to go to school, take care of my husband and children. I found a wonderful blog that touches on being an effective mother, wife and person but never forgetting who you are; take a look at “Motherhood is not a one-way street. ”MojoMom -

After reading, “Motherhood is not a one-way street it allowed me to see that there are women that are in the same struggle as I am .That in everyday life we make chooses and those choose are what make us who we are .However as we make those choose we should never forget that if we lose ourselves then we are no good to the ones we love. Love yourself and remember that with motherhood and any blessing in life there is a burden .Not a burden that weighs you down but one that can add so much to your life.
Sometime our days are so filled with clutter that we forget to inhale those things that are most important in our lives .Like the morning hug and kisses from your youngest son and then being told that you are the best mom in the world.Then there is Darrian, he is eleven going on thirty and too old to kiss or hug mom so he come close enough to me to rubs up against my shoulder for what he considers closeness. He never wants other people to think that he was getting affection from his dear old mom. All of the hugs and kisses are worth the hours of labor and pain because the love that your child has for you is unconditional.Take a moment and read,
“Choosing Breathless”
This was a blog post that puts you back into perspective.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Heaven Is Watching

began my day today with the sounds of the birds singing in my ear and another day of hustle and bustle. Jordan woke up on the wrong side of the bed today and is causing havoc in my house .He has spilled water all over the floor from taking a bath and not pulling the shower curtain back. The bath mats are so wet that you can wring them out and fill a twelve ounce glass. Then Darrian is trying to get dressed in a room that looks as if a world wind has hit it .There are clothes from three days ago sitting in the middle of the floor. Harry Potter books in the corner that he has read throughout the week and cereal in the Christmas bowl that my mother bought him on his stationary desk. Then there is the football equipment that has not been washed because he says he coach does not want them to wash the practice uniform .How disgusting!

All of these things has happened in just twenty minutes .How can a person start their day and have a positive out look on the day. So far nothing seem to be going right and it feels as if the odds are against me today but I have found a site that helps me get through my day .Take a look and I hope that you have a light bulb moment as I do most days .

This web site helps me through so many challenges in life .I find comfort in knowing that there is a God that looks
down on my every movement .He allows me to experience the good and the bad times, so that when the good times come around I appreciate them. There are poems and scriptures that I can refer to and feel a sense of peace and hope of the next day and even moment. In this site there are ten things that you should live by .
1. Thou shall be happy.
2. Thou shall use thy talents to make others glad.
3. Thou shall rise above defeat and trouble.
4. Thou shall look upon each day as a new challenge.
5. Thou shall always do thy best and leave the rest to God.
6. Thou shall not waste thy time and energy in useless worry.
7. Thou shall look only on the bright side of life.
8. Thou shall not be afraid of tomorrow.
9. Thou shall have a kind word and a kind deed for everyone.
10. Thou shall say each morning - I will trust in God and nothing can hurt me.
Check this out as well it is also a way or manor in which to live your life .Will you chose to live and wholly in you own self pity because you have to wash the dishes,take the kids to football,clean the house ,wash the family clothing,give the dog a bath and maintain four class with a 4.0 GPA.This blog just piggy backs te first one.Check it out!
He touches on the fact that in the challenges of everyday life if you have the faith of a mustard seed that God will take care of the rest. That is why when my children, husband and even the dogs pull me in more directions that I feel I can go, it should all be done to the glory of God and I will see my rewards in heaven.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Christian Women

After the second blog entry I was getting a little curious about the manor in which my mother choose to handle the multi tasking with being a mother, wife and a woman. So we sat down at the dining room table that I ate dinner on for most of my teenage years .Mom brought out some of her homemade 7-up cake and we had tea and cake and talked about my role as a women in today world according to my mother .

R: What is your name?
G: Gloria Maria Foster de Husband

R: What is your occupation?
G: Retired Neonatal Nurse at Johns Hopkins Hospital

R: Where did you attend college and where?
G: I went to the University of Maryland.

R: Were you married in college and did you have any children at that time?
G: Yes, I was married for5 years with two children .One was you (Renee Watkins) at 3 months and your brother (Vincent Husband) at 4 years old.

R: What type of mother were you back then?
G:I am a spiritual women from Panama that loved the very thought of children and knew that I had to show them that life is in the palm of their hands .They just needed to reach out and grab it .

R: What was one of the most difficult things or tasks you had to perform as a mother, wife and student?
G: Well, I would say that juggling the three things was difficult because there really was no room for pleasure. The children were more important than life itself and my husband was
the back bone of the family .So I would say that keeping my husband happy and the children in order was the most difficult.

R: What would have made the transition to college a little better?
G: Waiting to have children would be at the top of the list and then gaining financial stability .I would have still gotten married because he was my rock during my college years. Don't get me wrong, I still would have given birth to my children but just at a different time and date. I gives you a chance to get to know who you are a a person and where you want to go in life.

R: What are some of the things you feel would assist a mother in obtaining her dream after she has gotten married and had children?
G: Remember that every good thing comes with time and hard work .If it was easy to obtain, would you really appreciate it once you have achieved it? Work hard and remember that the endeavor that you have chosen to embark on isn't just for you .You now have more than one person to think about. When you feel like giving up, say I can’t, when you feel like throwing in the towel, say i will not and when you feel like life has dealt you a bad hand look outside the box.

R: How did you joggle your three jobs (mother, wife, college?
G: Very carefully! No, my husbands needs come before the needs of my children and everyone else in my life .The Bible says for me to be a submissive women and that does not mean for me to be a door mat but be a helpmate for my husband .Allowing him to e
mbark on the world and standing by his side to cheer him on. You have to find a way that works for you as a family .My way was to make sure that the man is happy and then the rest of the world is o.k. children knew that there are chores and duties that needed to be done around the house. College was something that I based around my family .Classes were after the children were dropped off at daycare and picked up after my classes.

R: Would you do it again?
G: Yes

Ultimately, I left my mothers house with a new found respect for her and the things that she had to endure as a women. She was the true back bone of the family and because of that my brother and I are very productive people today. My brother has been on his own for many years taking care of his daughter and living the American dream .Then there is myself and I have taken up the touch of mothering and showing my children that women can multi task and still take care of self. Below is yet another example of being a mother, wife and women while making a difference. 149438/#c284495