Thursday, October 19, 2006

Heaven Is Watching

began my day today with the sounds of the birds singing in my ear and another day of hustle and bustle. Jordan woke up on the wrong side of the bed today and is causing havoc in my house .He has spilled water all over the floor from taking a bath and not pulling the shower curtain back. The bath mats are so wet that you can wring them out and fill a twelve ounce glass. Then Darrian is trying to get dressed in a room that looks as if a world wind has hit it .There are clothes from three days ago sitting in the middle of the floor. Harry Potter books in the corner that he has read throughout the week and cereal in the Christmas bowl that my mother bought him on his stationary desk. Then there is the football equipment that has not been washed because he says he coach does not want them to wash the practice uniform .How disgusting!

All of these things has happened in just twenty minutes .How can a person start their day and have a positive out look on the day. So far nothing seem to be going right and it feels as if the odds are against me today but I have found a site that helps me get through my day .Take a look and I hope that you have a light bulb moment as I do most days .

This web site helps me through so many challenges in life .I find comfort in knowing that there is a God that looks
down on my every movement .He allows me to experience the good and the bad times, so that when the good times come around I appreciate them. There are poems and scriptures that I can refer to and feel a sense of peace and hope of the next day and even moment. In this site there are ten things that you should live by .
1. Thou shall be happy.
2. Thou shall use thy talents to make others glad.
3. Thou shall rise above defeat and trouble.
4. Thou shall look upon each day as a new challenge.
5. Thou shall always do thy best and leave the rest to God.
6. Thou shall not waste thy time and energy in useless worry.
7. Thou shall look only on the bright side of life.
8. Thou shall not be afraid of tomorrow.
9. Thou shall have a kind word and a kind deed for everyone.
10. Thou shall say each morning - I will trust in God and nothing can hurt me.
Check this out as well it is also a way or manor in which to live your life .Will you chose to live and wholly in you own self pity because you have to wash the dishes,take the kids to football,clean the house ,wash the family clothing,give the dog a bath and maintain four class with a 4.0 GPA.This blog just piggy backs te first one.Check it out!
He touches on the fact that in the challenges of everyday life if you have the faith of a mustard seed that God will take care of the rest. That is why when my children, husband and even the dogs pull me in more directions that I feel I can go, it should all be done to the glory of God and I will see my rewards in heaven.


Stephen Newell said...

Thanks for the link! I'm glad I could be an encouragement to you. I will be praying for you!

Carr Kizzier said...

I think it's cool that you got a comment from one of your links. And I like the way you give the list. Mustard seeds. That's good. You also start with a nice anecdote here as well, Renee. Good job. I think I'd like to come to a bit more of a close, though. Something to make it feel more complete. Maybe another anecdote. Good.

Dennis said...

Great blog, good job getting it all together :)